maria kley
pictures from the atelier / at home - 2021
a scrunchy bag that stretches out when you use it
a skirt made of my old blanket - 2022
knitwear I made for my pig and others - 2023
welcome to my portfolio.   
this is were I collect things that I've made in the past or still am working on.
I am excited for this page to grow and become more detailed as time passes.
It is all a work in progress.
I hope you'll have fun scrolling through till the end.
- maria

if you'd like to contact me, either write me an email or visit my instagram page:

a collage I made of a photoshoot with my friend Lisa
film stills from short film 'life as a garbage bag"
photos and pattern piece of my spiderweb top
a Björk collage for screen printing I recently made
Plastik einer sich dehnenden Person - entstanden in einem Workshop der HfBK Dresden, Oktober 2024
- styroporkörper mit Papiermache beschichtet, Acrylfarbe und Klarlack

Sculpture of a person stretching - made in a workshop at HfBK Dresden, October 2024
Figur 3 - von der Decke hängend, für die Gruppenausstellung "Stuttgart Kaputtgart" Nov. 24

figure 3 - hanging from the ceiling - in context of the group exhibition "Stuttgart Kaputtgart" in nov. 24